Resource Alert: Scroll down to the end of this post for a downloadable pdf of 'Useful Plants of Monoglia: A Permacultural Perspective'.
You are invited, dear reader, to participate in an open-source, collaborative project to help conduct detailed research on extreme-cold tolerant plant species which have potential for a wide variety of application in cold climates from Mongolia to Canada.
Dr Beket (the hero of our 'Reforesting the Barrens of Bayan Ulgii' story) and his research team have spent the last few years researching and compiling a list of 146 plant species (mostly tree crops) that can survive (and even thrive) the extreme, sub -40C winters (and 30C summers) of Bayan Ulgii province.
Photo: 'Dictionary of Useful Mongol Plants'We found the above book 'A Dictionary of Useful Mongol Plants', (Ministry of Nature & Environment and Mongolian State University, 2001) in the ADRA-Mongolia offices during the project consultancy, and used plants listed in this book + selected species from Dr Beket's report to begin the work of compiling a list of our own:
- 'Useful Plants of Mongolia: A Permacultural Perspective': in which the scientific Latin names are cross-reference with common English names of plant species, while the plants characteristics, funcitions, and possible uses are listed.
Our hope is to create a catalogued database that designers can use to identify suitable plant species for use in their systems - but we need your help.
If you are knowledgeable, or simply want to increase your knowledge of cold-tolerant plant species, and have access to a good internet connection, than you can help to build this database. Choose 10 or more plants from the list below, then download the list we have started compiling (click the 'download' link at the end of this post) to see what information we are compiling, and start your researching & learning!
Email us at theGreenBackpack [at] gmail [dot] com, with 'MONGOL PLANT DATABASE' in your subject line, and we'll send you an Excel spreadsheet template that you can use to compile your own research. Don't forget to record the sources of your information, and in return your contribution will be recorded in the published plant list document as it continues to grow and evolve... you can become a Sustainable Overseas Aid & Development Worker (and contribute to the development of Permaculture and Regenerative design in Mongolia) from the comfort of your living room (or favourite local cafe!).
We can change the World, with our own two hands (and a decent internet connection)... one small step at a time.
Useful Plants of Mongolia: A Permacultural Perspective', (The Asia-Pacific Center for Regenerative Design, and you, 2011)Dr Beket's (et al) list of potentially usefully plant species suitable for Bayan Ulgii province:
- Abies sibirica.Ldb
- Piciea obovata.Ldb
- Pinus silvestris. L
- Pinus pumla./Pall/ Rge
- Pinus sibirica/Rupr/ Maur
- Larix sibirica.Ldb
- Jiniperus sibirica Burgsd
- Jiniperus Sadina.L
- Jiniperus pseuda sadina
- Jiniperus daurica.Pall
- Epedra guisetina.Rge
- Epedra glausa.Rge
- Epedra monsperma./CA.M/
- Epedra Prezewalscii.Stapf
- Epedra sinica. Stapf
- Barbaris sibirica.Pall
- Spriaea salicifoli.L
- Spriaea aguilegefolia.Pall
- Spriaea hypericifolia. L
- Spriaea media.Shmidt
- Spriaea sericea. Turcz
- Spriaea flexuosa. Fisch
- Spriaea alpina Pall
- Spriaea pubescens.Turcz
- Cotaneaster melanocapa
- Cotaneaster iniflora Bige
- Cotaneaster mongolica Posark
- Malus pallasina Juz
- Sorbus sibirica Hedl
- Cratalgus Sanuinea Pall
- Cratalgus dauriva pedinculata. Pall
- Amugdalus pedinculata Pall
- Amugdalus mongolica maxim
- Armenica sibiroca dam
- Padus asiatecus kom
- Roza albertii Rge
- Rosa daurica rall
- Rosa kokanica Rge
- Rosa okyacantha MB
- Rosa Acieularus Linde
- Rosa laxa Retz
- Ribes nigrum.L
- Ribes Altissimum Turcz
- Ribes rubrum L
- Ribes atropurpureum C.A.M
- Ribes diacantha pall
- Ribes graveolens Bge
- Ribes pulchellum Turst
- Ribes nispidulum Pojark
- Ribes procumbens pall
- Ribes Pausiflorum Turz
- Ribes Fragrans pall
- Grossularia acicularis /smith/ spash
- Cargana arbazescens.Lam
- Cargana misrophylla pall
- Cargana pygmala/ L/ DS
- Cargana Leucophloea Rojark
- Cargana jubata /Pall/ Poir
- Cargana stenophulla Rajark
- Cargana bangea LDB
- Cargana sinosa /L / DS
- Cargana brachypoda Pojark
- Cargana Korshinskii kom
- Hippophea rhamnoides L
- Eleagnus moorcrftii walli
- Cornus alba L
- Sambucus sibirica Nakai
- Lonicera altaica Pall
- Lonicera Microphulla Will
- Lonicera hispida Pall
- Rhododendron aureim
- Rhododendron adamsii Rend
- Rhododendron Parbifolium Adams
- Rhododendron dauricum L
- Rhododendron Ledebaurii
- Haloxyon omniodendron
- Calligonum mongolicum Turcz
- Atraphaxis frutescen L Eversm
- Atraphaxis pungens Jaub
- Atraphaxis Virgata /Rg/ krassn
- Atraphaxis compasta hdb
- Tamarix ramosissina Lgb
- Tamarix gracifis Willd
- Tamarix elongota Ldb
- Tamarix karelinii Bge
- Tamarix laxa Wiild
- Myricaria alopecuroidec. Schrenk
- Myricaria daurica /Wiild/ Ehrenk
- Myricaria longifolia /Wiild / Ehrenb
- Ulmus pumila. L
- Ulmus masgosara.Hanse
- Ulmus propingua.Koidr
- Salix jentanra.L
- Salix arbuscula.L
- Salix berberifolia. Pall
- salix caspica. Pall
- Salix dasycloos.Viim
- Salix rorida.Loksch
- Salix tenuifolia.Tucz
- Salix microstachya.Tucz
- Salix caprea.L
- Salix /calsia vill/ glauca.L
- Salix dahurica./Tucz/
- Salix fumosa.Tucz Lakch
- Salix pyrolifolia.Ldb
- Salix chlorostachya.Tucz
- Salix hastata.L
- Salix kochiana.Trautv
- Salix myrsinites.L
- Salix mongolica. Siuz
- Salix nummularia.Anderss
- Salix vestita.Pursch
- Salix reticulata.L
- Salix sibirica. Pall
- Salix caesia.Vill
- Salix livida6 Whlbg
- Salix xerophila.Floder
- Salix divaricata. Pall
- Salix rosmarinofolia.L
- Salix turczaninovii.Laksch
- Salix torulosa.Trautv
- Salix myrtilloides.L
- Salix ovolifolia.Trautv
- Salix viminalis.L
- Populus tremula.L
- Populus suaveolens.Ficsh
- Populus lauripolia.Ldb
- Populus diversifolia. Schrenk
- Populus pilosa.Pehder
- Populus densa. Kom
- Vaccinium myrtillus.L
- Vaccinium vitis idaea.L
- Vaccinaceae uliginosum.L
- Betula hippolytii.Sukacz
- Betula gmelinii.Bde
- Betula rotundifoolia.Spach
- Betula fruticosa. Pall
- Betula mandshurica/Rge/ Nakai
- Betula microphulla.Bge
- Betula platyphylla.Sukacz
- Betula humilis Sukrank
- Betula Rezniczenkoona
- Betula Tauschii./Rge/ Koidz
- Betula exilis. Sukacz
- Alnus glutipes.Larm
- Alnus fruticosa / Rupr/ Ldb
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