Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mongolian Permaculture: Day 33 – Report Writing


Spent the day at a German café in Ulaanbaatar writing reports for The Aid Agency.

Topics covered so far include:

Had a walk around the tourist district to do some souvenir shopping and investigate the ‘Rich Man’s Supermarket’.

Nice to have a couple days rest for our tired minds and battered bodies before we head off to the Gobi region; though Kat and Rick are already getting restless, taking intermitant walks throughout the day whenver they get too fidgety…

…Kat always returning with the same bright eyes she always gets when the word ‘salad’ is mentioned in Mongolia and a new variety of yoghurt tucked under her arm, Rick always returning with that cheeky glint in his eyes and some new sugary lollies tucked under his arm.

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